13 August 2024

Elements Summer 2024 Release

By Jack McCarthy

In our ongoing commitment to delivering superior CRM solutions for our clients, our team is excited to announce the latest release for Elements, packed with significant improvements and optimizations designed to maximize a firm's overall CRM experience.  

This update prioritizes boosting performance, ease of use, and resolving issues reported by our users and includes fixes and performance enhancements to provide a more seamless and dependable user experience.   

To learn more, watch this video, then review details on some of the specific updates made in this cycle. 

Workflow Manager Updates

Checklist Name and Checklist Item Name Updates

When setting up a Checklist and Checklist Items on the Configuration app to assign to a Workflow Template, some fields were occasionally left blank by mistake.  For example:  

  1. Leaving the Checklist Title blank resulted in a missing header on the Checklist on the Workflow Task. 
  2. If the Checklist Item Label was left blank, then the Checklist Item showed blank on the Checklist 

Checklist Control

To prevent an error from occurring, the system will now default to the Checklist Name and Checklist Item Name on the Checklist 

  1. If the Checklist Title is left blank, the Checklist Name will be used as the Heading on the Checklist Control. 
  2. If the Checklist Item Label is left blank, the Checklist Item Name will populate the value of the Checklist Item in the Checklist Control rather than display a blank value. 

Here is how the Checklist will appear on the Workflow Task now, even if the fields are left blank in Configuration. 

The left side shows the Checklist and Checklist Items Setup, and the right shows the resulting Checklist component on a Workflow Task. 

Checklist Name and Checklist Item Name Updates

Checklists Must Be Completed to Complete a Task

Previously, a Task could be marked as complete even though the Sub-Tasks on the associated Checklist were not marked done. Now, a Task with a Checklist can only be marked Complete once all Checklist Items are marked. An error message will alert the user that the Checklist Items need to be completed before marking the Task Complete. 

Checklists Must Be Completed to Complete a Task

Workflow Tasks Visible on the Relationship Activity Timeline

Previously, any Tasks associated to the Workflow were not shown on the Activity Timeline of the Relationship. Workflow Tasks could be accessed directly in the Workflow or separately on the Tasks tab. Now, if the Workflow is related to the Relationship, the Workflow Tasks will show on the Relationship's Activity Timeline. 

All the Activities for a Relationship, whether an Activity entered on the Timeline or a Workflow Task, can be viewed and worked from the Activity Timeline. If the Workflow Launcher is created from the Relationship, the Relationship will automatically be associated, and the Tasks will show on the Activity Timeline. If the Workflow Launcher is created from the Workflow Launcher tab, the Relationship must be assigned in the Workflow Launcher. 

The Relationship with the Activity Timeline shows the Workflow Task. Below shows how the Workflow has been assigned to the Relationship. 

Workflow Tasks Visible on the Relationship Activity Timeline

The Task from the Workflow now shows on the relationship’s Activity Timeline as long as the Relationship is assigned on the Workflow Launcher. 

Workflow Launcher Object Added to Workflow Manager Tab

Previously on the Relationship under the Workflow Manager tab, you could view In Progress and Completed Workflows, and view Active and Completed Workflow Launchers. Now, by default, the Workflow Manager tab on the Relationship will include the Workflow Launcher object with the option to create a New Workflow Launcher.  

While the Workflow Launcher will also remain an option in the Related List Quick Links, this option allows users to manage all Workflow-related processes under the Workflow Manager tab for ease of use and efficiency. 

Workflow Launcher Object Added to Workflow Manager Tab

Form and User Interface Enhancements

List Email Tab Setting Enabled for Power Users & Restricted Users 

Previously, Salentica Power Users and Salentica Restricted User profiles could not access the List Emails functionality. Now, the List Email Tab setting has been set to "Default On" for the Salentica Power User and Salentica Restricted User profiles.

List Email Tab Setting

Users with the Salentica Power User or Salentica Restricted User profiles can now access the List Email Tab through the App Launcher. Click the App Launcher icon at the top left corner of the screen and type the keyword List Email in the search box. 

List Email Tab Setting Enabled for Power Users & Restricted Users

Removal of Start Date Requirement on Employment Object

The Current Employment lookup field has been added to the Contact object, and through lightning flows, will automatically update the Primary Employment field in the Employment History list. However, when creating Employment object records, the requirement of the Start Date field has often led to entering a random date or not using the field at all since this information is often unknown. Now, the Start Date field is no longer required but is still  available and visible on the Employment record page layouts. This update increases the ease of use of Employment History information.

Removal of Start Date Requirement on Employment Object

Removal of Start Date Requirement on Employment Object 2

The Start Date field is no longer a “Required” field for Employment History. 

Refined Company Object Page Layout 

The Company Object Page Layout has been updated to reduce clutter and refine the layout for ease of use. The Related List Quick Links Section has been removed. All Related information is still available under the Related tab.

Refined Company Object Page Layout

The Employment History related list has been renamed as Related Contacts and is included as a Dynamic Related Lists - Single lightning component within the Related Tab. This component allows users to easily use filters and sort records.  

*Note: The related list name is "Related Contacts" but it only references the Employment object.

Related Contacts

At SS&C, we help firms build and implement custom CRM workflows to improve compliance and overall operations. To learn more about the solutions that best fit your firm’s unique needs, request a personal demo, call 800.727.0605, or email info@salentica.com.